new me

new me..hehehe.just a title.tapi x taw la bile nk buat make over nye kan.slow2.mesti berjaya.first of all.kurg kan berat bdn.then baru boleh cari baju semua..heheh.so now kumpul tudung dulu.wah wah..bnyk duit kaw ye..xla..skit2 jew..yg murah2 sudah.asal kn cantik ok..

hehe..new year shud be colourfull so i beli blue colour sliper.ok x..ehehe.fendy kate it is tooooo menyerlahhhh..welll new year kan..beg saya warna merah..n my purse warna purple..bnyk x colour..hehehhe..i loikeee...

mcm ape je kan.bia la org nk kate ape pon kan.that me myself n i..so nk beli lagi..kasut.baju.jeans no need sbb dh bnyk.nk buat collection ni..t seng.huhu...

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