early morning wake up.padahal x keje pon..dah biase kowt.so pagi2bgn terbau masakn yg menusu hidung..mak oii wangi.tibe2 perot ni mcm dh berlagu irama melayu.cehh..lapa la maknenye kn..so ape lagi.bgn je masuh muke.ikat rmbut yg mcm serabut tu..duduk depn meja yg penuh dgn mknn..
my bad habit for 2011 is mkn breakfst x mndy.yela.dok umh en..seng.kalau dok hostel kne mndy wangi2baru ley turun cafe.kalau x semua dok jauh sebatu.haaha.after that.facebook-ing jap..ape nk jadi ni..kne bebel pon buat lagi.terok2..xpew2 till buln 4 je..pastu chaw chin chaw shah alm.
then kemas2 bilik yg sepah2 semak tu kan.i found a box.cek2 dlm tu punye bnyk khazanah yg dh sethn x usik kowt.mcm2 la dlm tu.then i think i shud throw all away..so i pick a plastc smpah then buang..
well mcm biase la gurl mesti ade diary en.i have too.but i dont need the old diary coz i have a new one.but i read it the nk tergelak pon ade.so jiwng.aku ke tu.mcm x percaye je.the i found a photo n lots of rose petal yg layu..but so beautifool..see its such a fool..so tnpa buang masa lagi..semuanya masuk tong sampah..
but now saya dh x taw nk jiwang2 lagi.mcm xterkeluar idea tu.simple its better..n just straight forward je.tpi kita yg cipta sejarh.mungkin boleh dibuang tapi bukn mudh nk di lupakan.so just pretend we never know or just let it BURN...